2063(2)Prophet Zoroaster予言者・ゾロアスター(世紀末の予言者たち)byはやし浩司Hiroshi Hayashi
2063(2)+ 1974+1951
Buddha’s Homeland and His Secret who he was and where he was from.
This one instance occurs in the trilingual Behistun inscription of Darius the Great, and which can be dated to about 520 BCE.
その一度というのは、ダリウス大王のベヒスツン(Behistun)の3言語で書かれた碑文の中にある。それによれば、紀元前520年とある。Eight Secrets of Buddhaブッダ、8つの謎
The Real Image of Buddha and who is He?, Where is He from ?
I say here that the God of all Gods is Ahura Mazda, though I am rather an atheist.
Frankly I have no gods to believe in, but I say here again that the God of all Gods is Ahura Mazda.
Here is another evidence.
Ancient Persian Inscriptions Link a Babylonian King to the Man Who Became Buddha
Dramatic evidence has revealed the presence of Siddhartha Gautama, the man who became Buddha, as far west as Persia.
シッダルタ・ゴータマ(Shiddhartha Gautama)、つまり彼はブッダ(釈迦)になったのだが、その存在を示す劇的な証拠が、遠く西のペルシアで明らかになった。
Zoroaster (the Greek name by which the
Iranian prophet Zarathustra has
become known) is traditionally believed
to have lived and taught in the early part
of the 6th century BC. His home is
probably in the region to the east of the
Caspian Sea.
Family seals and records found at Persepolis, the ancient capital of the fourth Persian Emperor, Darius the Great, have been identified and associated with the names of Siddhartha Gautama and his father, Suddhodana Gautama.
ペルセポリスで見つかったファミリー印章および記録(Family seals and records)によれば、第4ペルシア皇帝のダリウス大王(Darius the Great)が、シッダルタ・ゴータマ(=ブッダ)と、ブッダの父親のスドダナ・ゴータマ(Suddhodana Gautama)という名前と認識され、かつ関係していることがわかった。
The Persepolis Seals identified royals and other important personages within the Persian ruling sphere.
Guatama was the name of the royal family of the Saka kingdom.
These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.
Oct. 08th, 2016+March 13th 2015 (March 19th, 2014)
Hiroshi Hayashi
We have another history, hidden behind secret, which has been warped since the beginning days of the humans’ history.