#Fukushima #原発 石棺化必要! #被曝 被害甚大☆字幕 #Nuke Need Sarcophagus!
<日本語訳↓・字幕:Jo2Rayden *新解説のみ http://twitter.com/jonny_rayden>
=INDEX↓= *クリックで字幕 **The BEZ (WBEZ Radio), Oct.2,2012
*original site:http://www.fairewinds.org/ja/content/npr-chicago-world-view-discussion-fukushima-and-world-nuclear-politics
1) 字幕 1:13 There’ still a lot of decay heat. Just yesterday Unit 1 saw a temperature increase of about 18 degrees because of a cooling system problem. So they have to be cooled even though they’re officially shut down. ..Unit 1′s been the most interesting as far as keeping it cool. They think what’s happening is some sort of biological fouling is occurring, the pipes are getting organisms growing inside of them, and it’s plugging the cooling flow into the reactor. If the problem doesn’t get resolved, again even though its 18 months after the accident, these reactors can begin to boil again.
・ 3:52 The question is do you spend it [$70-100 billion] now and risk high exposures to people for what gain, or do you entomb these plants with concrete and then come back in a hundred years, that’s a question the Japanese have yet to answer. ..I would entomb them and come back later. ..I would do basically what we’ve done at Chernobyl, which is put a sarcophagus around it. Basically fill them with concrete. I would also then bore under the plants and continually withdraw the groundwater, because there’s still going to be seepage of radioactive material into the ocean and into the groundwater and keep that from seeping out into the environment. ..I just cant justify in my own mind exposing tens of thousands of Japanese workers to high levels of radiation.
2) 字幕 18:56 Hillary Clinton and the current administration’s intervention in Japanese politics to persuade them to continue on with their nuclear program. ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官と米国現政権が、日本に原子力計画を継続し続けるよう説き伏せ、日本政治に干渉している。
3) 字幕 24:56 Q.1 million cancers coming from Fukushima? Gundersen:”We’re seeing that already… Enormous increase in cancer precursor”