Fukushima Nuke Dance – Kan can Glow!
Para Para dance of Millie & the Sieverts
The Home of the Sievert family is Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.
They are really genki little Plutonium and Uranium nuclear monsters.
They love to dance in Japanese para-para style. Look!
Their home is very small, tight space. They can not move around so freely.
So they want to burst out, and play outside with everyone! Problem is they are too dangerous to play with everyone, so watch out! Here come the Seiverts!
Mr Kan is strict headmaster and he knows that if the troublesome Sieverts get out, they will cause havoc! So Mr Kan is going doing his best to catch the naughty Sieverts. It’s a very difficult job. Every time people go near the Fukushima home of the Seiverts, the Sievents make the visitors glow in the dark! Like magic! So it is diffcult to stop them! Poor Mr Kan has tried everything! He has borrowed an unmanned reconnaissance jet, the Golden Hawk, from his American buddy, Mr Obama, as well as lots of military helicopters to help dump tons of water on the burning homes of the fiery Sieverts. Still that doesn’t work so well, so he has visited Uncle Ishihara in Tokyo. Uncle Ishihara knows just how to control those pesky Sieverts, and sent his water-canon trucks up to Fukushima for a bit of crowd-control Tokyo-style. Ganbare Mr Kan! Only Kan can – He is the Man, is Mr Kan!
yt:stretch=16:9 Fukushima Nuclear Dai-ichi Power Plant Explosion milli Sievert Nano Sievert Micro Sievert Nuclear Meltdown Atomic Power Station Emergency Self Defence Force Radiation Exposure Plutonium Uranium rods fire smoke helicopter golden hawk water cannon truck Chernobyl “Three Mile Island” damage reactor first second third forth glowing glow in the dark luminescence florescence phosphoresence Kan Can “can can”
福島 第一 原子 力 発電所 爆発 パラパラ ダンス 踊り 放射線 緊急 自衛隊 火事 煙 発光 ルミネ 暗闇で光る 輝く 原発 事故 発生 ミリ シーベルト ナノ マイクロ ヘリ ヘリコプター プルトニウム ウラン 火事 煙 発光 ルミネ 暗闇で光る 輝く 原発 事故 発生 スリーマイル島 放水車1号機 2号機 3号機 4号機